1. Empower the community groups through microfinance development through saving and loaning.
  2. Enhance tape and develop the volunteerism spirit by deploying both local and international volunteers to community projects. 
  3. To build and create awareness on malaria, TB and other infectious diseases in our communities.
  4. Support of Orphans and Vulnerable children, street children and open an orphanage for their care and rehabilitation.
  5. To establish a community resource centre aimed at facilitating learning for orphans, vulnerable children, and street kids, as well as serving as a source of practical community and career development information to local community members and CBO-affiliated groups. 
  6. To engage community group members in an effort to mobilize and enhance income-generating activities and thus improve the communal asset base.
  7. To assist community groups in initiating enterprises that will increase economic productivity, and lead to poverty-reduction and wealth creation.
  8. To establish SSFO’s own long-term and self-sustaining income-generating projects to support organization’s activities. 
  9. To involve ourselves in the social empowerment of youths (orphans, street children) through community events such as capacity-building, youth trainings, and social activities which bring our youths and communities together? 
  10. To develop eco-tourism and environmental management activities in the region as a source of revenue for people in the villages. 
  11. To develop vocational training centers
  12. Build reading programmers’ with local community schools designed to build and improve children’s’ reading skills and English performance. We do this by enlisting volunteers and obtaining reading material from willing partners and volunteers. This will be an ongoing educational project for the long-term future.